Add and endorse skills on Workplace
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If you can't find skills on your profile, your Workplace admin may have disabled the feature.
Add skills to your profile from your computer
- Click your profile picture in the bottom left of Workplace.
- Click View Profile.
- You can also access your profile here.
- Hover over Details in the right panel and click Edit.
- Scroll down to Basic info and click + Add Skills.
- Begin typing any skill. If the skill has already been added by another colleague, it will pre-populate.
- Click on the skill.
- Click Save.
Note: To remove a skill, click Edit next to the Skills section and click X next to the skill you want to remove, then click Save.
Endorse a coworker's skill
- Go to your coworker's profile and go to their Skills in the right panel.
- Click next to a skill you want to endorse.
To remove an endorsement, click the highlighted .
Note: You can't endorse your own skills.
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